
Posts Tagged ‘Rihanna’

This post is on a topic very near and dear to me. I believe from the most sincere part of my heart that when a woman, man, or child says no in any sort of sexual situation, they mean no

Yesterday Rihanna released her video for her latest single, Man Down. No stranger to controversy, the video is relatively tame at best considering things we’ve seen from her in the past. The video begins with Rihanna shooting a man and then tells the story as to why.

Everything seems relatively care free for her in the Kingston, Jamaica background until you get to the end of the video. In the final scenes, you see that she was at a club, dancing with a man who later follows her out and then rapes her, therefore leading her to shoot and kill him.

As a woman who has dealt personally with a sexual assault, I think that something needs to be addressed.  No means no. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. We live in a time and place where sex is something casual, thrust in our faces with images that supposedly show that when a woman does a certain thing or dresses a certain way, she’s asking for sexual attention and that when she says “no” she’s playing hard to get.

On the other side, I do understand that some women who choose to wear overly revealing clothes do seem to call attention themselves, but that does not give anyone the authority  to decide for her whether or not sexual activities should happen. Point blank.

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